Our dog Mochi

Our dog Mochi
October 2010


My Dog Mochi

Friday, March 16, 2012

She is asleep on the couch

Yes, Mochi is asleep on the couch next to me. It is raining outside and icky. Kind of cold in tHe house,too. I just received my new I-pad this morning and have pretty much done nothing but play on it. So Mochi is totally bored with me.

I took a picture of her with my new I-pad this morning, but I cannot figure out how to upload it to this blog!

Later, I guess.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mochi loves to swim

We live near the American River in the Sacramento CA area. It is a fast moving, very big river that comes down out of the Sierras, so it is quite cold. It moves so fast that I would be afraid for her safety to let her swim there. But there are a lot of bars that are around the river where the water is calm and in 100 degree weather, not too cold.

Mochi loves to go to the river. When we pull up to where we usually go, she is out the door before I can even think about getting a leash on her. So far it has been good, as she just heads for the water. By the time we can get out, get towels, chairs and Mochi's tennis ball, she is in the water looking back at us.

We can throw the balls as far out as we can and it does not matter to her at all. She just loves being there. The only way we can get her out of the water is to throw the ball towards the parking lot. Then she will come out and will go to the car with us.

Here are a few pictures:

Note the rock in the lower left corner. This is a rock that someone had carved and placed here to recognize their deceased dog, who also loved the river. Great idea. Gil carved a rock with his Dremel in recognition of our cat, who passed away this past summer. We have it on our deck to keep him forever in our minds.

Mochi loves to drop the ball a few feet away from us. She expects us to go out and get the ball. She does not think she should have to bring it up to us. I think, more than anything, is she does not want us to take her out of the water. She will stay there until she starts shivering.

This is our beautiful daughter and Gil, my dear husband.

Mochi with her favorite thing in the whole wide world - her tennis ball.

Mochi really does not like to be bothered by ducks. She does not go after them; she just swims through their group to get to her ball. This is granddaughter, who loves Mochi more than life itself.